How to Read and Display Videos Using OpenCV

Digital videos are closely related to digital images, as they consist of a series of images displayed in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion.

The OpenCV library provides a variety of methods for working with videos, including reading video data from different sources and accessing their properties.

In this tutorial, you will learn the fundamental operations in OpenCV that are essential for handling videos.

By the end of this tutorial, you will know:

Let’s get started!

Tutorial Overview

This tutorial is divided into three key parts:

  1. Understanding Video Structure
  2. Reading and Displaying Image Frames from a Camera
  3. Reading and Displaying Image Frames from a Video File

Understanding Video Structure

A digital video consists of a series of frames, each representing an image. Each pixel in a digital image has specific spatial coordinates and an intensity value.

For grayscale images, this can be modeled as a function (I(x, y)), where (x) and (y) represent pixel coordinates and (I) denotes pixel intensity. For RGB images, three functions (I_R(x, y)), (I_G(x, y)), and (I_B(x, y)) correspond to the red, green, and blue channels, respectively.

When discussing videos, we introduce a temporal dimension (t) to reflect how the video consists of sequentially displayed images. We refer to these images as frames, and the rate at which they are displayed is termed the frame rate, measured in frames per second (FPS).

Thus, if we want to describe a grayscale video frame at a specific time (t), we use the notation (I(x, y, t)), adding the temporal dimension. Likewise, for an RGB video frame, we would use (I_R(x, y, t)), (I_G(x, y, t)), and (I_B(x, y, t)).

Ultimately, digital video data is time-dependent, meaning the intensity value of a pixel at coordinates ((x, y)) at time (t) can differ from its value at time (t + 1), reflecting changes in the scene or noise from the camera sensor.

Reading and Displaying Image Frames from a Camera

To read frames from a camera connected to your computer, the first step is to create a VideoCapture object. You’ll specify the camera index (usually 0 for the built-in webcam). For additional cameras, use index values 1, 2, and so forth.

Here’s how to start capturing video from the webcam:

from cv2 import VideoCapture

# Create a VideoCapture object for the default camera
capture = VideoCapture(0)

# Check if the connection to the camera was successful
if not capture.isOpened():
    print("Error establishing connection")

If the camera is connected, you can read the frames using the method:

ret, frame =

This method returns the next frame in frame and a boolean value ret indicating whether the frame was successfully grabbed. If the camera is disconnected, this method may return an empty image.

To display the retrieved image frame, use:

from cv2 import imshow

if ret:
    imshow('Webcam Frame', frame)

You should run this code inside a loop to continually read frames from the camera until the user decides to stop it:

from cv2 import waitKey, destroyAllWindows

while capture.isOpened():
    ret, frame =
    if ret:
        imshow('Displaying Frames from Webcam', frame)
    if waitKey(25) == 27:  # Wait for ESC key to exit


Reading and Displaying Image Frames from a Video File

You can also read frames from a video file stored on your hard disk. OpenCV supports various video formats, allowing easy integration of video processing into applications.

To modify the VideoCapture object to read from a video file, simply specify the file path instead of a camera index:

capture = VideoCapture('Videos/Iceland.mp4')

You can retrieve properties of the video, such as frame width, height, and FPS:


frame_width = capture.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)
frame_height = capture.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)
fps = capture.get(CAP_PROP_FPS)

print("Frame Width: ", int(frame_width))
print("Frame Height: ", int(frame_height))
print("Frame Rate: ", int(fps))

Your loop for displaying video frames from the file is similar to that used for the camera:

while capture.isOpened():
    ret, frame =
    if ret:
        imshow('Displaying Video Frames', frame)
    if waitKey(25) == 27:  # Wait for ESC key to exit


This code allows for seamless video playback, processing each frame individually, offering a consistent approach to both image and video processing.


In this tutorial, you learned the fundamental operations in OpenCV for reading and displaying videos, including:

Further Reading

For more resources on this topic, consider:



Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further modifications!

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